
2024/6/14 21:21

Melbourne School of Design Director
元スウェーデン政府イノベーション庁 Vinnova ストラテジックデザイン・ディレクター。デザイナー・アーバニストとして、ArupやFuture Cities Catapult、Fabrica、SITRA、BBCなどの世界的な組織で指揮を執るDan Hill氏が、チーフ ストラテジックデザイン オフィサーに就任!
2023年12月に、私は幸運にも、りささんの成功した事業のいくつかを訪れる機会を得ました。特に、鹿児島市およびその周辺の保育園、関連するレストラン、農産物直売所に感銘を受けました。彼女らが、地元の農家の作業と生産物を保育園の食事システムに統合している方法には大いに感心しています。これは、食事が栄養だけでなく教育でもあることを意味しています。私は、スウェーデンのVinnova(スウェーデン政府のイノベーション機関)で同様の事業に関与しました。そこでは、学校給食に関するミッション オリエンティッド イノベーションプロジェクトをリードしていました。子どもたちが食事作りに参加し、食べ物の由来を理解し、食品廃棄物がコミュニティによって使用され、堆肥化される方法を探求していました。
私は鹿児島でこれらのことがりささんの指導の下で行われているのを目にしました。幼稚園児が味噌作りや発酵の方法を学び、また、自分たちの食品廃棄物(給食室から出る生ごみ)を自らの手で堆肥化し循環の一環として農家に戻るのを見ることは、非常に素晴らしいことです。これにより、子どもたちは最も早い段階から食品と持続可能性について学ぶことができます。これらのアプローチを今回の小学校でも取り入れ、既存の保育園での活動と連携させることで、農家や教育者にとって無視できない(クリティカルマス)存在になっていくでしょう。これを食材の60%が市内、残りの40%を県内で賄っている農産物直売所とレストラン(EAT LOCAL KAGOSHIMA /日当山無垢食堂)に結びつけることも同様に興味深く、価値があります。
In December 2023, I was fortunate to be able to visit some of the successful ventures of Risa-san: in particular the thriving kindergartens in and around Kagoshima City, and the related café and farmers market. I have been hugely impressed by the way that Risa-san and her colleagues integrate the work and produce of local farmers into the school food system for the kindergartens―which means that food is also education as well as nutrition. I was involved in similar ventures in Sweden when working at Vinnova, the Swedish government\'s innovation agency, where we led mission-oriented innovation projects around school food. We were also exploring how to get kids involved in making food, understanding where it came from, and with food waste being used by the community, and for composting.
I could see all these things happening in Kagoshima, under Risa-san\'s guidance. To have children at kindergarten age learn how to make miso, how to ferment, and also see how their food waste goes back to the farmers as compost in tight circular loops―this is extraordinary. It sets children up to learn about both food and sustainability at the earliest age, and in hugely engaging ways. These approaches could be easily continued through into the elementary school, linked to the kindergartens, which adds more significant scale, and critical mass, to the venture for both farmers and educators. To link this to the farmers’ market and café (Eat Local Kagoshima), is equally interesting and worthwhile. For the café, Risa-san tells me 60% of the food’s ingredients come from around the city, and the other 40% from the wider prefecture.
If the elementary school can be linked to the kindergartens, cafes, farmers market and farms in this way, I think of this as a form of \'vertical integration\' (of schools) and \'horizontal integration\' (of food systems), which is highly impressive. Yet with no misplaced ambition to \'scale up\' into McDonalds! This works because it stays local, and is created by Risa-san, and her team, and the strong personal relationships built around trust, provenance and reciprocal connections with place, culture, and natural environment. These ideas run through all operations, apparently ― and in the education aspects, they are clear in the experiences for the young students. To be able to carry these approaches forward after kindergarten stage, into elementary schooling, would be incredibly important for these kids. In return, many of these students will be engaged by the possibility of places like Kagoshima into their futures, which certainly help Japan in future as it moves toward a steady-state population which ought to be evenly distributed across the country.
Extending the education project into the elementary school not only finds an incredibly meaningful \'adaptive re-use\' of an existing building for a new use―as an elementary school!―that is entirely logical as well as creative. Through the team\'s existing networks, it also supports Kagoshima\'s culture, learning, food, agriculture sectors as well. The care with which Risa-san and her collaborators have realised their projects so far is evident in all details, from the design and maintenance of their spaces through to the quality and diversity of the food produce, from the nature of the operations through to the engaged service cultures. This clear sense of responsibility and reciprocity bodes well for the further evolution of the ventures, and I have no doubt that their attention to detail, focus, passion and care will carry forward to the elementary school project.
As these projects weave themselves together into a new kind of social, cultural and natural fabric, they suggest new lives for regional towns in Japan, helping abate the flow towards the big cities by enabling people to make a meaningful life in these most meaningful places. I truly hope Risa-san and her team can make this happen, as I have seen few projects as quietly powerful as this anywhere globally. I\'m cheering them on from Australia, and hope to visit a new/old school, thriving once again, one day!